We have been busy ordering equipment today and trying to get the best kit at the best price.  We gave had to cut back on a few things to squeeze it into the available budget, but the good news is that the main order has been done and things should start to arrive this week!

The bad news is that while looking at the electrics we discoved a leak in the roof where a TV aerial once was. This has meant water had been getting in for a while 🙁 On the plus side we have found and fixed it and we have removed the rotten wood and the rest should dry out now.



Oh and using highly technical tools (a mallet and a block of wood) we have freed the ratchet up so we now have a working hand break which I am informed is useful.




Does "computery stuff", looks after the servers, audio processing and the Longside Radio Android App. Any problems with our technical stuff please let me know! If it is not broken I will fix it 🙂

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Order! Order! and a bit of rotten luck